RHEL 5.9 - 32-bit and 64-bit - Check Point versions R77.20 and above.RHEL 5.4 - only 32-bit - All Check Point versions.RHEL 5.0 - only 32-bit - All Check Point versions.Added the summary table with supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions and Check Point versions:.Added a note that super user (root) privileges are required on RHEL to install, configure and administer Check Point software.Added a note that superuser (sudo) privileges are required on RHEL to run Check Point commands and navigate the Check Point directories.RHEL 7.3 - 32-bit and 64-bit - Only Check Point version R80.10.RHEL 6.8 - 32-bit and 64-bit - Only Check Point version R80.10.RHEL 6.5 - 32-bit and 64-bit - Check Point versions R77.20 and R77.30.RHEL 5.9 - 32-bit and 64-bit - Only Check Point versions R77.20 and R77.30.RHEL 5.5 - 32-bit and 64-bit - Only Check Point version R80.10.RHEL 5.4 - only 32-bit - Check Point versions R77.30 and lower.RHEL 5.0 - only 32-bit - Check Point versions R77.30 and lower.

Multi-Domain Security Management Server.Only Check Point Security Management Server / Multi-Domain Security Management Server is supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux: