Include the export and shipping port details below, and then certify the invoice’s information by signing and dating at the bottom. Step 5 – Terms and Other Comments – Include any payment terms such as the form of payment you want the customer to use. Include any taxes, shipping fees, and other charges to reach the grand total the customer owes. The figures in the right column will total to give you the subtotal. Then enter the quantity and unit price to the right along with the tax for each to get the total for each row on the right. Enter Invoice into the search field, and Word will bring up all available invoice templates. Include the part number and unit of measure (e.g., bundle, roll, etc.) to the left. Type invoice into the Search for Online Templates field and press Enter. Step 4 – Description Table – Describe each type of good being sent on a separate row. Complete the shipping info to the right, including shipping date, number of packages, and so on. Step 3 – Customer/Ship To – Here, write the customer’s name, company name, and contact information, and then enter the name and address for where the goods will be sent.

Then enter the invoice number, date, expiration date, and the customer’s ID at the right.

Best regards, Jan 0 S shyy Well-known Member Joined Messages 1,484 4 Some ideas. You can download/save them in Word and Pdf formats. Step 2 – Begin by entering your company’s name at the top, followed by its address and other contact information. there is a free online app here generating invoices from excel: maybe that can help you.